Five Steps in Spiritual Warfare

Bible Verses that show our Biblical Authority:

  • James 4:7 Submit therefore to God. Resist the devil and he will flee from you.
  • James 4:8 Draw near to God and He will draw near to you. Cleanse your hands, you sinners; and purify your hearts, you double-minded.
  • Mark 16:17 “These signs will accompany those who have believed: in My name they will cast out demons, they will speak with new tongues;

The five steps are a framework (principles) on which to use to fight Satan.

They are not a rote prayer or magic formula so should not be treated that way but are an expression of the
lordship of Christ over all things.

Jesus gave us authority over demons (Mark 16:17), but we must live the lifestyle that allows
that authority to rest on us in order to be used in overcoming them.
Satan can only get you to sin if you accept what he is suggesting you do. It is not thinking
about what he suggests that is the sin. The sin is actually deciding to do something about it
even if nothing actually happens in the physical realm. You have accepted the thought in
your heart so that Jesus is no longer Lord of that area. The fact you desire in your heart to do
it is all that is needed for sin to occur.

Matthew 5:28 but I say to you that everyone who looks at a woman with lust for her has already committed adultery with her in his heart.

The Five Steps to Victory and the reasons for them
I repeat. These steps are not to be said as a magic formula as they are not one. They are only
a framework of principles to use. They are a giving in your heart areas to Jesus for Him to be
Lord of repenting of any wrong done in these areas, removing Satan from them and all the
damage he did in these areas.

First, I give the step and then the reason for the step.

Step 1.

Give the area, weakness, circumstance, event, oppression, problem, sin, temptation or
anything you are a steward of to Jesus to be Lord over it, along with all the causes
leading to these things, the consequences resulting from these things as well as any
areas or things associated with what you are giving to Jesus to be Lord of.

What Jesus is Lord over, He can help you with and protect, so that Satan cannot use it
against you.

When Jesus is Lord of an area of your life Satan cannot use it to try and convince you
to sin as you do not want to accept what he offers.

To control any area Satan needs to deceive you so you will accept his control over it.

Step 2.

Repent of any wrong attitude in you and any sins you like not to give up, either
recognized or unrecognized by you, or any wrong thing done by you.

Forgive all those who have offended you and yourself as well as repent of any
bitterness, root of bitterness anger and wrong attitudes in your heart (whether you know
of them or not) towards anyone (including yourself).

Repentance is a turning away from the things of Satan to the things of God and is a
confirmation of your decision to give Jesus Lordship in that area repented of.

Repentance is usually of a blanket type of the problem area or event when using The
Five Steps and does not need to be specific (unless specific things are being given to
Jesus or The Holy Spirit calls specific things to your remembrance).

It is the heart attitude that is important not the words.

It is also the attitude of holiness that rejects all Satan suggests you do.

It is necessary to forgive others or The Father in heaven cannot forgive your sins and
you do not go to heaven. If you keep bitterness, root of bitterness, anger or any other
wrong attitudes in your heart you are in unforgiveness.

Not wanting to reconcile to another who has offended you can be a sign of

You may have to pray “Lord, forgive me. Help me to forgive them please”.

You must also give up any sins you like doing and this is best done giving it to Jesus
using step one.

Step 3.

Command Satan in Jesus’ Name to leave the areas or things given to Jesus and go to
The Throne of God and be judged and to take all he did to you with him.

It is a battle of kings, so you address the enemy king and tell him to leave control of
what that has just been given to Jesus, otherwise he will not go. That is why prayer
alone is ineffective, as it still leaves the demons around since you have not commanded
them to leave.

As the area is delivered from the control of the kingdom of Satan to the control of Jesus
all that is in there of Satan (demons, illness caused by them) must go when told to do

Physical healing may come later depending on what Jesus is using it to do in your life.

Because Jesus now has control of the area Satan no longer has it to hold onto so must
go when commanded to do so from that area in The Name of Jesus.

Jesus has the right to heal illness when it is best for the purposes of His Kingdom so if
physical healing does not occur ask why and you may find it is a timing issue (for the
purposes of The Kingdom) or more repentance needs to be done.

Step 4.

Command healing and restoration in The Name of Jesus in accordance with His Will.

This removes damage demons have done to whatever you are removing them from.

I just command healing and restoration and this seems to cover all that Jesus wants to
do in these areas. But I remind you it is in His timing not yours depending on what He
is using for it in your life.

Step 5.

Ask The Holy Spirit to fill what the demons have been cast out of and claim it for
Jesus. This stops the house (soul) having vacant areas that demons can come back into.

The Five Steps are all based on Worship

Step 1.

We give these things to Jesus because He is worthy and can deal with them in a
worthy fashion.

We love Him and thus worship Him by trusting Him with the things we give him.

We also declare He is Lord of all as we do this and that He is greater than Satan.

Step 2.

We repent (admit we have fallen short of His standards) and by this worship Him
showing that we consider His values more worthy to follow than our own values and
purposes and that we desire to live according to His standards.

Step 3.

He is more worthy than Satan having defeated him by His sinless life as well as His
death at Calvary, so Satan must do what is commanded in the authority of Jesus (as he
and his demons are now ‘spoils of war’ and the prisoner of Jesus).

By using the authority Jesus has delegated to us over Satan, we show we consider Jesus
to be more worthy of worship than Satan.

We also demonstrate that Jesus and The Kingdom of God are real and that Jesus is
greater than Satan.

Step 4.

Jesus is worthy to be worshiped as He has authority over all the natural world as well
as the spiritual world so He can heal of body, soul and spirit. We use His authority
delegated to us as an act of worship to Him as we command these healings in His
Name in accordance with His Will.

Step 5.

We desire to be Like Jesus (as He is the most desirable person we know) and as an act
of worship ask for His Spirit to take the place of the enemy that has been evicted from
us so that His Spirit can guide us and mature into the image of Jesus.


The five steps are not a litany or magic formula you recite by rote but are a framework of five
principles to use like a ladder. Each rung leads to the next rung and on each rung, you place
what is appropriate to that rung. The first rung is the one that varies according to the
situation, and is based on giving the area or situation to Jesus to be Lord of. The rest never

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